The heavens declare the glory of God and the firmament showeth His handiwork. Psalm 19:2

Digital Astroimaging

Homepage of John Samuel Sussenbach
Houten, The Netherlands

Last updated 23 July 2024

Solar System (2001 - 2024)

Deepsky from 2021

Classical Astrophotography with film (1990-2000)

Solar Systems Objects
Deepsky Objects - Nebulae
Deepsky Objects - Galaxies
Deepsky Objects - Star Clusters


Photo: Jørgen Krielen


John Sussenbach 2015, Oostende


Juno Pro-Am Workshop Nice 2016


RAS-Juno Conferernce London 2018


Clyde Foster and John Sussenbach, EPSC 2019, Geneve


Barry Adcock, John Sussenbach, Glenn Orton, Andy Casely, Gerald Eichstadt and spouse, EPSC 2019, Geneve


Asteroid 9703 Sussenbach by Willem Kivits


Since 1983 I did deep-sky photography using film, but in 2001 I set my first steps in the digital world and focused on the Solar System. My pictures using film photography are found at my homepage

Classical Astrophotography


For digital imaging I initially used a Celestron C5 (aperture 5 inches) f/10 and a 32 cm f/4.7 Newton telescope. Most results currently presented are produced with the C5, because this is a very useful instrument for a beginner in WebCam imaging.To extend the focal lengths of the instruments a Meade 2x Barlow lens was used. As a recording instrument I use a Philips ToUcam Pro camera. Later on, I use a Celestron C11 Schmidt-Cassegrain telescope with a focal length of 2800 mm. Most of the time I take about 100-200 exposures of 1/25 sec and combine the pictures using the AstroStack program of R.J.Stekelenburg. Since 2015 I use a Celestrion C14 Schmidt-Cassegrain telescope.

Crater Theophilus with C5 plus 2x Barlow and Philips ToUcam

Best picture of Saturn with C11 in primary focus, December 30,2001
Best 200 frames of 460

Total Solar Eclipse Egypt
29 March 2006

Best images

Mars 2003

Results with the Celestron C5
Results with a 32 cm Newton telescope

Imaging of Planets with a Celestron C11 Schmidt-Cassegrain telescope

Imaging of the Moon with a Celestron C11 Schmidt-Cassegrain telescope

Imaging of double stars, nebulae, clusters and galaxies with Celestron C5 and C11 Schmidt-Cassegrain telescopes
